
We organize events yearly to support our homeless female veterans and children to be self sustainable.

Earth Day Is sponsored by, New Castle County Government in New Castle, Delaware. Volunteers from local organizations, institutions, agencies and businesses choose locations in communities to clean up and tackle one of earth’s biggest challenges to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.

Sponsored by donations and gifts twice a year, our organization reach out to communities Soup Kitchens by catering our famous dishes; baked macaroni and cheese , fried chicken, string beans, and deserts. We also give out clothing and toiletries while serving lunch. These events are always a rewarding.

A yearly event held in the month of October, hosted by Boscov’s to help local organizations raise funds. Organizations are given options to sell as many discount tickets from 1000, 3000 or 4000 at $5.00 per ticket. Organizations are allowed to sell discount tickets in Boscov’s Stores on scheduled dates before the event. Tickets are also sold to family, friends, co-workers etc.

As a fund raiser, organizations keep proceeds from ticket sales. On the day of the event, tables are strategically placed in Boscov’s Stores for organizations ticket sales and network with customers and other organizations.


We salute the brave, honor and respect our female veterans for their selfless sacrifices to our nation. This event is to celebrate our female veterans for their efforts in working diligently towards sustainability. After completing their reintegration and rehabilitation programs, we honor and reward our brave female veterans with certificates of achievement. It is a gateway towards home ownership via NACA, HUD, Neighborhood House, Habitat for Humanity and apartment rental through Low Income Housing Programs. We also honor distinguished retired veterans for their unwavering support and services to our country and the world.

The VA has found that female veterans are at high-risk for homelessness, especially if they are in poverty. These veterans are more than twice as likely to be homeless as other women and more than three times likely if they are at risk or in poverty. Puzzles of Life Re-Entry Program for Women, Inc., is hopeful that this finding will provide information for state and federal veteran’s assistance agencies to allocate resources more appropriately to address issues of female veteran’s homelessness.

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